The International Criminal Law Society (ICLS) / Gesellschaft für Völkerstrafrecht,
ICLS, a non-profit public-interest association, was founded in Spring 1999 by students and young faculty members from various departments of Humboldt and the Free University of Berlin / Germany.

The purpose of the association is to advise the public, both academic and non-academic, of the current state of international criminal law and related areas (e.g. human rights protection in international relations), and to actively take part in the development of international criminal law by organising public events and carrying out academic projects.
The objectives of the association:
1) Supporting the idea of an international criminal jurisdiction as stipulated by the Statute of Rome;
2) Organising seminars and conferences on international criminal law;
3) Participating in international conferences and providing written analyses of their results;
4) Supporting the publication of scholarly works on international criminal law;
5) Observing and analysing the development of the ad hoc UN Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda (ICTY, ICTR).
The activities:
In order to underline the importance of the adoption of national legislation implementing the provisions of the Rome Statute, ICLS has so far organised two international conferences. In October 2000 the first international conference held in Berlin, "Rome Statute - What's next? Domestic and Foreign Approaches to the Implementation of International Criminal Law into National Law" focused on the importance of implementing international crimes as contained in the Rome Statute into domestic criminal law. Representatives from 15 governments and 100 participants discussed the creation of domestic codes on international crimes.

The second international conference was entitled "International Criminal Court (ICC): Implementation in Central and Eastern Europe". It was held in Bucharest, Romania in May 2003. The conference concentrated on the implementation of the ICC Statute into domestic law by Eastern and Central European States. Participants from 16 states from the region as well as representatives from Western countries exchanged information on the legislation implementing cooperation provisions and international crimes. The fruitful dialogue was enriched by the participation of the Honourable Akua Kuenyehia, Vice-President of the International Criminal Court as well as other members of the ICC and the ad hoc Tribunals.

The Society, as a member of the Coalition for an International Criminal Court (CICC), took part in the sessions of the UN Preparatory Commission for the Establishment of the International Criminal Court. The organisation was also represented at the first Assembly of States Parties which inaugurated the International Criminal Court.

Members of ICLS have lectured in Berlin/Germany, New York/USA, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Moldova, in Belarus, and in Botswana/Africa. In 2000, the Society participated in the EU sponsored project "Raising Military and Civil Awareness of the ICC in Eastern European Countries".

Members of the Society have edited a book entitled "National Legislation Incorporating International Crimes". This book, comparing national legislation on international crimes, is the first of its kind worldwide. The book is complemented by a CD on ICC implementing legislation projects in 11 countries.
The association
Berlin is the headquarters of the association. The location is advantageous for furthering the communication with other NGO's as well as with those authorities invested with the implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany. Since 2001 ICLS is also represented in The Hague/The Netherlands. The office in The Hague liases with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Court of Justice.

The members of ICLS represent various fields of work, from teaching in faculties of law or politics to working for government institutions and the International Criminal Tribunals.
You might support our organisation by becoming a member or giving a donation. Membership application forms are available on our website.

Donations may be transferred to:
Account No.: 66 770 33 00
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German Bank Code (BLZ): 100 700 24
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