International Criminal Court (ICC)
Parallel to the judicial activities of the two ad-hoc tribunals, the work continued on the
permanent international criminal court. In 1994, the ILC submitted its final Draft Statute and
a Preparatory Committee, dubbed the 'PrepCom', was created by the General Assembly.
After the good performance undertaken by the ICTY and ICTR, delegates of many countries agreed
that only a permanent and independent international court could respond to crimes, irrespective
of where they take place and who commits them. Moreover, a permanent court would not have those
start-up difficulties inherent in all ad-hoc tribunals, but would be ready for any situation
and could moreover be cost-effective, since structures are already available.
In June 1998, 160 states assembled in Rome to create a permanent international criminal court.
Five weeks later, after intense negotiations, a great majority of 120 states, with 20
abstentions and 7 votes against the Statute, adopted the Statute of the International Criminal
Court on July 17, 1998. As Kofi Annan declared at the ceremony taking place a day after the
adoption of the Final Act: "This is indeed a historic moment" […] "[b]y adopting this Statute,
participants in the Conference have overcome many legal and political problems, which kept this
question on the United Nations agenda almost throughout the Organization's history." Kofi Annan
stated that the establishment of the ICC is "a giant step forward in the march towards universal
human rights and the rule of law." In fact, the Rome Statute is regarded by many scholars of
international law as the culmination of international law-making. As formulated by Triffterer
in the Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court:
"The Rome Treaty of 17 July 1998, establishing the International Criminal Court, is the United
Nations' most significant accomplishment since its establishment in 1945. The treaty is the
culmination of a 75 year effort, spearheaded by academics and NGOs, and it represents the
contemporary aspirations of international civil society in achieving peace with justice and
justice with peace."
The Rome Statute came into force on July 1, 2002 after more than 60 countries deposited their
instruments of ratification and thereby crossing the threshold of the required 60 states.
Meanwhile, in February 2003 the judges were elected, two months later the prosecutor and in
June 2003 the registrar. With this the International Criminal Court is able to take up its
judicial functions. As of July 1, 2003, 90 States have ratified, and thereby constitute the
Assembly of States Party.
Contrary to the IMT, the ICTY and the ICTR, the International Criminal Court has no primary
jurisdiction according to art.17 (1) ICC Statute, but is only competent, "unless the State is
unwilling or unable genuinely to carry out the investigation or prosecution". This so-called
principle of complementarity respects national sovereignty and promotes indirectly the
extension of domestic jurisdictions to include international crimes.
5) Conclusion
In the present world the exercise of jurisdiction over perpetrators of heinous crimes by
international criminal tribunals has been universally accepted. This is an astonishing
achievement given the fact that the IMT's of Nuremberg and Tokyo rendered their first
judgements only less than 60 years ago.
The establishment of the ICC marks a further historic milestone, since for the first time a
permanent international criminal judiciary has been created. However, the effect of the ICC
Statute is weakened, because ratifications of significant States such as the U.S.A., Russia,
China and India are still outstanding. Another weakening factor is that, as of 15-December-2003,
67 States had signed so-called «bilateral agreements » relating to Article 98 of the ICC Statute
with the U.S.A.
The judiciary activities of the Special Tribunals in Sierra Leone and of the UN-administration
in East Timor shows that there is still need for ad hoc institutions to try crimes committed
before the entry into force of the ICC Statute. |